Thursday, August 19, 2010

Blog Maverick

Mark Cuban writes an interesting blog called blogmaverick. You can find it here: He’s often got interesting things to say and I’ve learned at least something about business from reading him.
Once and awhile, however, I read something that makes me realize just how different his world is from mine. His August 5 blog on his failed effort to buy the Texas Rangers has one of those passages:
It is not easy to get liquid to the point of $400mm dollars or more in just a few weeks.
Or, in my case, it would be easy in just a few lifetimes.

John P. Greenan


Mark Cuban writes an interesting blog called blogmaverick. You can find it here: He’s often got interesting things to say and I’ve learned at least something about business from reading him.
Once and awhile, however, I read something that makes me realize just how different his world is from mine. His August 5 blog on his failed effort to buy the Texas Rangers has one of those passages:
It is not easy to get liquid to the point of $400mm dollars or more in just a few weeks.
Or, in my case, it would be easy in just a few lifetimes.

John P. Greenan

Sunday, August 15, 2010


When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.

Nick Sowell